Melissa Amit Shuck License Massage Therapist
About The Practitioner


Nice to meet you, my name is Melissa Amit Shuck and I am a license massage therapist. I graduated with a post-degree certificate in massage therapy from Tri-C in August, 2022 with over 800 classroom and clinic hours and over 100 additional practice hours outside of the Tri-C requirements. I am also a certified life coach and permaculture designer. I am skilled in both therapeutic, relaxation, and hot stone massage and am learning more modalities because I am passionate about massage. It is such an amazing healing therapy!

My goal as a massage therapist is for you to live a better quality of life, whether that means an hour of relaxation, working through the knots in your shoulders, or relaxing the muscle entrapping a nerve in your legs. We work together in the treatment to meet your goals because massage time is YOU time.

My studio has a spa-like feel, with an aroma therapy scent chosen by the client, soft music, and lighting. A large window looks out over a private, permaculture garden, with sheer and black out curtains that can be drawn or opened, as you desire. I use my own natural blend of oils or can blend a special mix for you upon request. Feel free to also check out my special hand balms and lip balms, which are 100% natural oils and available for purchase.

Please ask me questions you may have. I can be reached from the Contact Information page. I am happy to answer all your questions because massage is about you to feeling comfortable.

Have a wonderful day!

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2024 Melissa Amit Shuck License Massage Therapist. All rights reserved.