Melissa Amit Shuck License Massage Therapist

August 20, 2022: "I have sore shoulders, a sore neck, and some lower back pain." I hear this a lot. Stress, computers, working with our hands in front of our bodies with poor posture are all factors in these symptoms. But let's dig a little deeper: what about those 30lb backpacks most of us carried for 10 years of our lives? Was the muscular imbalances caused by this ever resolved? Sometimes the start of the poor body mechanics occurs early on, but isn't dealt with until the patterns are well established. Usually, also, it's not just the shoulders, neck, and back. Those might be the spots you feel it the worst, but have you checked your pectoralis group? The pects are often sore when the shoulders are sore. The pects pull the shoulders forward, and being that the body is all connected, these "hidden" malfunctions can cause pain and misalignment in other areas. If you are interested in resolving this and other soft-tissue problems, talk to a licensed massage therapist who is trained in therapeutic massage. If you are near Cleveland Heights, OH, contact me (on the Contact Information page). Thanks and remember: Stop, Relax, and Heal!

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